Try Fiery ColorRight Package for free

Essential tools to get your color right.

With Fiery® ColorRight Package you can:

  • Troubleshoot color issues effectively to get jobs printed correctly and quickly
  • Adjust image and color quality for last-minute image editing, right in Fiery Command WorkStation®
  • Edit spot colors for accurate reproduction of brand colors
  • Provide accurate softproof PDFs to clients to streamline remote review
  • Create custom color bars for color quality control and at-a-glance job information for archiving

Technical requirements:

Fiery ColorRight Package 30-day free trial


How do I find which Fiery System and Fiery server version I have?

Your Fiery System version is listed in the Device Center General Information tab in Command WorkStation. This information also is accessible on the Fiery configuration page printed via the Fiery server.

Fiery Command WorkStation 6:

Fiery Command WorkStation 5: